- Watch your intake of veggies often linked to gas production.
- Beans
- Brussel Sprouts
- Cabbage
- Take a break from chewing gum
- Try sipping a drink without a straw
- Moderate your lactose consumption (found in dairy)
- Kick the smoking habit
- Watch out for fructose often found in soda drinks
- Find quick relief of gas production with gas pills like Gas-X (simethicone) and Beano (alpha-galactosidase enzyme) that reduce the amount of gas.
- Don't bother with antacids to manage flatulence.
- Try pepermint tea to soothe an upset stomach.
- Flatulence odor is easily managed with Devrom (internal deodorant) available as a chewable tablet or capsule.

Manage flatulence odor with Devrom (bismuth subgallate) Flatulence! Everyone has it, some people are too embarrassed to talk about it while others are too comfortable talking about it! Joked about as a silly bodily function, but for some people it can be socially debilitating. Perhaps the most embarrassing thing is the odor. Devrom is an FDA approved over-the-counter medicine that safely and effectively deodorizes stinky gas.Flatulence affects everyone but, the odor can be managed with Devrom.
Friday, December 29, 2017
Flatulence Management - 10 Tips To Keep You Free From Embarrassment
Whether you're hopping from party to party this holiday season, taking a flight to the tropics, or just taking it easy at home. Here are some ten tips to help you keep flatulence under control.
Monday, September 4, 2017
Devrom gas pills
Gas pills work by reducing the amount of gas bubbles that
are in your stomach and in your intestine. Gas pills try to help them dissolve,
so then, you might have to belch or burp. Gas pills is an easy way to getting
rid of gas. Gas pills are absolutely safe and there are numerous gas pill
options on the market. It is recommended to take gas pills before you eat your
meal so it is in your system already.
Gas pills usually contain Simethicone. Simethicone allows
gas bubbles in the stomach and intestines to come together more easily, which
allows for easier route of gas. Simethicone is used to dismiss painful pressure
caused by excess gas in the stomach and intestines. Simethicone depresses the
apparent tension of fluids and is a great gas pill. Gas pills that have a
mixture of Simethicone and Imodium are very significant when reducing gas and
bloating. Gas pills that contain enzymes are really useful as well,
particularly if the gas pill has Alpha-galactosidase enzymes. This is because
the enzymes help break down multiple starches such as those found in beans and
other products.
Gas pills that have antacids is also extremely beneficial.
This is because antacids allow individuals to bring the gas upward through the
mouth. This allows the gas to come through as a belch and not through the
rectum. Charcoal comes in the form of gas pills as well. Medically activated
charcoal gas pills should be taken by mouth before meals. Activated charcoal
usually has mixed results in their ability to reduce the volume of gas in the
Antibiotics are a type of gas pill. Taking a non-absorbable
antibiotic twice a day shows significant improvement for symptoms of gas and
bloating. Bismuth subgallate are also great gas odor pills. Bismuth subgallate gas pills can manage odor from gas most if not all the time.
Friday, July 28, 2017
Devrom Gas Relief Medicine
Gas can collect in
some part of the digestive tract if it isn’t passed easily. Swallowed air can enter the stomach from
chewing gum, drinking fast, carbonated drinks, and possibly sucking on hard
candy. You release quite a bit of swallowed
air through belching. Your body may have
trouble digesting certain foods, such as beans and starches. Some people have an absence of the enzyme
lactase in their small intestine, leading to challenges in digesting lactose,
the sugar found in dairy products. Eating and drinking dairy products cause uncomfortable
cramps, gas, and diarrhea.
Most gas relief medicine is over the counter medicines. Some gas relief medicines contain simethicone.
Simethicone acts on gas bubbles in the digestive
tract to reduce formation of bubbles therefore reducing bloating and allowing you
to discharge it through belching. Some
gas relief medicines contains enzymes that help you digest mainly beans and
vegetables. This, in turn, eases intestinal gas. If you are lactose intolerant,
a lactase enzyme supplement will help you digest dairy products. Activated charcoal tables are advertised as a gas
relief medicine but evidence is not conclusive.
When the intestinal tract or stomach is full of gas, it can be
released by “breaking wind” or belching. Persistent gas can cause pain in the abdomen
and possibly chest. Gas relief medicine
can help with this and other problems.
Gas relief medicine acts in the stomach and intestines to dissolve
and diminish the development of trapped gas bubbles. Gas relief medicine can
come in both tablet and liquid form. Gas
relief can come in the form of relief of the odor from gas. In this case, Devrom® (internal deodorant) tablets and capsules are an inexpensive option to safely and effectively
deodorize offensive smelly intestinal gas quickly and discreetly.
Thursday, June 1, 2017
Flatulence Medicine Goes to Washington!
Obesity Week and Devrom Together in Our Country's Capitol
2017 Obesity Week will be hosted in Washington DC this year and we are excited to attend.
Devrom representatives will be present to discuss the product. Please drop by our booth to sign up for free samples and to get a Halloween treat! If you can't attend and still want us to send you samples, please let us know!Obesity Week is an annual event where experts in obesity surgery and obesity medicine come together to discuss new methods, treatments, research, and of course meet with industry representatives!
Thursday, March 9, 2017
Devrom Flatulence Remedies
Flatulence Remedies
Some of the known flatulence remedies consist of charcoal tablets, peppermint tea, and lactase supplements. Most people pass gas several times a day, but a person may need flatulence remedies to get rid of excessive or painful gas.
One of the flatulence remedies is
activated charcoal. When a person chews charcoal tablets before and after
consuming a meal, the charcoal possibly will help to captivate excess gas.
These tablets are normally available at most drugstores, as well as a health
food store. They are available over the counter and commonly are considered
safe. An individual who takes medication, though, might want to ask his doctor
whether activated charcoal is nontoxic for him to use, as it may absorb some of
the nutrients/vitamins and medication he is taking along with gas. The function of activated
charcoal is how it can filter and purify so well, with its sponge-like
Peppermint tea is also among known flatulence
remedies. The peppermint oil established in peppermint tea contains an
ingredient called menthol. This substance may help to cool digestive muscle
spasms and reduce gas. An individual may also get relief by chewing on
peppermint. Drinking peppermint tea or eating peppermint after meals is
considered a natural flatulence remedy.
In some cases, a person may change his
diet to prevent flatulence rather than using flatulence remedies after the
fact. Changing your diet can be an easy flatulence remedy. You can avoid
specific foods to reduce flatulence and your need for flatulence remedies. Try
eating several small meals instead of three large ones a day.
So, how do you choose the best
flatulence remedy? The best flatulence remedies will be determined by the cause
of your flatulence. The flatulence remedy that works best for you will be one
that deodorizes, reduces, or eliminates your gas.
Tuesday, February 14, 2017
Flatulence Treatment with Devrom
Are you looking for a flatulence treatment? You are not
alone! There are numerous people who suffer from this awkward and uncomfortable
problem! Flatulence treatment is very common by changing diet, taking a flatulence deodorizing medicine like Devrom, and reducing the amount of air swallowed. Devrom tablets and capsules
work fast to deodorize any embarrassing intestinal gas. Devrom is a safe and
effective medicine that works with your body to control odor so you can avoid
any embarrassing moments. Of course you will have to bath and wear under arm
deodorant, Devrom is just for odor from stool and flatulence. You’ll be glad
you used Devrom as a flatulence treatment. It is a flatulence treatment for
those situations such as a job interview, honeymoon, road trip, first date,
camping, and endless possibilities.
There are a couple of flatulence treatment options that can
be used to prevent excessive gas and bloating. Every person’s body responds in
a different way to different foods. Certain foods may activate flatulence in
your case but an acquaintance of yours may enjoy the same foods without any of
the uneasiness. The most important thing to do is to recognize your gas trigger
foods and avoid them. We all react differently to different types of food and
what your diet consists of can determine how much gas you will pass.
Here are three flatulence treatments you can try at home:
Cumin: This spice is brilliant at preventing and reliving
gas. If you like the flavor of this herb try adding it to your cabbage soup. If
you do not like the taste of cumin, you can try other herbs such as caraway,
fennel, dill, peppermint, and sage.
Camomile Flowers: Try putting some camomile flowers that are
dehydrated in your soup. You will not really even taste it because the taste is
extremely bland.
Ginger: Take some lemon juice and mix it with freshly grated
ginger root.
You can get Devrom at your pharmacy or order it online at www.devrom.com or 1-800-453-8898.
Flatulence Remedy
Try This Flatulence Remedy Next Time You Have a Bout of Smelly Gas
Flatulence refers to excess intestinal or stomach gas and is
not a serious condition. Its symptoms are bloating, belching and the passing of
gas through the rectum. Flatulence can lead to uneasiness and embarrassment.
Because of this, people seek out to address the problem but is also the reason
many are reluctant to discuss this problem with their doctor.
Devrom works as a great flatulence remedy because it
contains the active ingredient bismuth subgallate. Bismuth subgallate acts as a
flatulence and stool deodorizer. It works by acting on odor producing bacteria
in the intestine so that expelled gas and stool are not as smelly. Devrom
understands that many of you have been suffering for a while and is here to
help. The only side effect with Devrom is that when using this product,
darkening of the stool and/or tongue may occur. There are many natural
flatulence remedies but the effectiveness of these flatulence remedies can vary
and may not always be the best option.
The following tips may also help with
flatulence remedy: chew your food more thoroughly, do not eat beans or cabbage,
do not drink carbonated beverages, do not chew gum, eat more slowly, relax
while you eat, and walk for 10-15 minutes after eating. If you have suffered
without a flatulence remedy in sight, you owe it to yourself to try Devrom. Along
with Devrom, it is suggested to make changes to your diet as well as your
eating habits. Eating smaller meals through the day instead of larger meals
helps ease digestion and reduces the risk of flatulence.
Indigestion remedies
Some people are embarrassed to talk about flatulence or joke about it, but for others it can be socially debilitating.
Indigestion is a sign of gastro esophageal reflux disease,
ulcers, or gallbladder disease. Indigestion is used to describe a feeling,
fullness, or discomfort during or after a meal. It is usually accompanied by
burning or pain in the upper stomach. Devrom is an over the counter medicine
that can be taken orally by chewing or swallowing.
Devrom is also known as an internal deodorant that is FDA approved and safe and effective to deodorize
malodor from flatulence and stool. Devrom contains an active ingredient bismuth
subgallate, which acts as a flatulence and stool deodorizer. It is thought to
work by acting on odor producing bacteria in the intestine so that expelled gas
and stool are not as smelly. Indigestion remedies are linked with several
factors. You have to consciously make lifestyle changes along with proper
medication, Devrom, to get rid of your indigestion.
Some ideas for indigestion
remedies along with Devrom would be not smoking or consuming drinks like
alcohol and coffee. Along with Devrom, eat in small quantities throughout the
day and avoid acid fatty foods that can be hard to digest. An indigestion remedy
could also be avoiding emotional and physical stress and decreasing stress
levels by making certain lifestyle changes.
Devrom is available without a
prescription. It is FDA approved as safe and effective medicine. Devrom can
help reduce indigestion remedies. Avoid the humiliation and self-imposed
isolation because of your uncontrollable fecal incontinence. Don’t you think it
is time you be relieved of the horrific odor and other causes of flatulence?
Devrom can help and be an aid for you to gain confidence in yourself and
overcome indigestion remedies.
Wednesday, January 11, 2017
Devrom: Gas Remedy
There are a number of gas remedies. They can vary from
simple treatments that can be completed at home to the use of FDA approved medicine.
For occasional uneasiness, consider using some old home gas remedies like a cup
of ginger ale or tea from an herb with carminative effects.
Carminative refers to a substance that expels gas from the stomach or intestines
so as to relieve flatulence or abdominal pain or distension.
Ginger ale is very common to come by in grocery stores and
commonly used for bloating.
Cinnamon tea can be made mixing a few drops of
cinnamon powder into a cup of hot water. Cinnamon powder is typically accessible
in the spice section in many grocery stores.
Ginger tea is a gas remedy that
can be made by steaming a few dense slices of ginger root in water. Mint tea,
another gas remedy, can be made from fresh mint leaves if they are available.
People who experience regular upset stomach and gas but do
not have serious medical conditions, ought to choose to include mint or ginger
tea into their daily diet as a gas remedy. This might prevent stomach upset and
gas and also treat it when it happens. If
you do not enjoy tea, a simple over the counter antacid may be the right gas
Stomach gas can also be produced by a number of foods and
beverages. Processed foods, fried foods, and foods that are high in fat can
cause stomach gas pain. By adding more fiber to your diet, reducing the amount
of fried, fatty, and process foods can be a gas remedy itself. Drinking too
much coffee or alcoholic beverages may also cause problems with the stomach.
Devrom® Medicine for Gas
Medicine for gas acts in the stomach and intestines to
scatter and reduce the formation of trapped gas bubbles. Embarrassment is a key reason people seek
treatment, but excess gas can also be a cause of painful bloating and cramps.
Typically you first identify and remove dietary sources of excess gas
production, but there are also many types of medicine for gas.
One type of medicine for gas is a non-prescription drug that
uses enzymes to treat gas. Alpha-galactosidase enzymes help break down compound
carbohydrates such as those found in beans. These enzymes are can either be
taken alone or in combination with many other products. According to the
American Family Physician, people using these enzymes had substantial
improvement in gas reduction.
Another medicine for gas would be antacids. Antacids allow
individuals to bring the gas upward through the mouth, as a belch, instead of
the rectum. Some believe charcoal is
also a medicine for gas. Charcoal tablets taken by mouth before meals often
have mixed results in their ability to reduce the volume of gas in the
Charcoal ingested can absorb micronutrients and is not recommended for all people. Charcoal undergarment pads and seat cushions are also some external charcoal devices that also have mixed results and are used to absorb odor caused by gas.
Charcoal ingested can absorb micronutrients and is not recommended for all people. Charcoal undergarment pads and seat cushions are also some external charcoal devices that also have mixed results and are used to absorb odor caused by gas.
Simethicone, another gas medicine, lowers the surface
tension of gas bubbles allowing it to escape via mouth or rectum. The
combination of simethicone and loperamide hcl (active ingredient in Immodium)
is a good method to reducing gas and
bloating related with diarrhea.
Antibiotics can be used to treat intestinal bacterial
overgrowth. This bacteria may play a
role in the gas production. In some
cases, antibiotic use has been charged with contributing to excess gas.
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